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data science ChatGPT Visplore Strategic Planning Generative AI Promotional Optimization Travel Industry

183.6% Boost in Bookings with ChatGPT & Visplore: the Nicuesa Lodge case

Discover how key data-driven marketing strategies and promotional adjustments made on Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge´s low season promotions maximized 2023 YOY Green Season Revenue by 183.6%. This blog post outlines the challenges faced by the lodge´s legacy promotional structure and provides suggestions on how your business can strategically optimize its promotional design using Data Science and Generative AI tools (such as Visplore and ChatGPT). Learn how to leverage historical data analysis, adjust promotional offers, target specific room options, and emphasize key competitive elements to attract more guests and increase occupancy rates. Includes suggested multi-channel advertising strategies and corresponding methods to measure cross-channel effectiveness.

IMPORTANT: Not a single platform mentioned in this article is sponsoring or paying me for referrals. These are tools I have used and suggest in a professional manner for your own business benefit.


I. Understanding the Challenges of Legacy Promotional Structures

Legacy promotional structures can pose several challenges when it comes to maximizing revenue for any type of hotel, ANYWHERE in the world. These structures can often be outdated and thus, not effectively aligned with evolving target audiences or showcase the unique hotel offerings of the day. In the case of Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge (PNRL, an exceptional rainforest jungle lodge located in the South Pacific coast of Costa Rica), their legacy promotional structure was hindering their ability to attract guests during the 2023 low season (which runs yearly from May to December 15th). They provided me with the opportunity to optimize their strategic promotional program to maximize revenue for the remaining part of the Green Season. The resulting optimized program which was released in July 1st 2023, had the following KPI results during the first two months of deployment compared to the same period in 2022 (a screenshot of the corresponding Tableau Public dashboard which was setup to track results is shown below):

    • YOY Direct Booking Revenue increase by 183.6%
    • YOY Direct Booking Volume increase by 123.5%
    • YOY Average Booking Value increase by 26.9% 
    • YOY Average Booking Window decrease of 32.1%


I.A. Problem #1: The Data Foundation

The first thing assessed was the quality and quantity of data the lodge had at hand. This process helps define immediate data cleansing and standardization procedures to make sure that all conclusions generated out of the optimization process will be precise. As in all matters where data processing is involved: bad data in, bad resulting data out.

Documenting your Data Architecture in a graphical format (I show PNRLs instance as an example below) facilitates the understanding and necessary agreements that need to be defined between all incumbent parties over what data your organization has, where is it stored, who owns it and who is responsible to upkeep it. Data Governance Policies need to be set in place for an organization to continuedly improve the quality of its own data-centric business activities, and a graphical Data Architecture facilitates this process.


I.B. Problem #2: Legacy Promotional Canons: The Green Season Special

Up until 2023, PNRL had been applying a promotional canon for it's low-seasons (called "Green Season" because it rains so much in the area every year during the months of May through Sept). Applying canons is normal practice for any business: each year you replicate the promotional strategies that have worked in previous years, with stylistic updates, as necessary. For 2023 the following Green Season Specials had been set in production since May 2023 across PNRL´s website; as well advertised through email to their Contact DB, Google PPC campaigns and Social Media postings:

Reserve for 2 Nights, receive 3rd Night at 50% Discount OR
Reserve 3 or more Nights, receive 1 Additional Night Free
Includes: Nicuesa’s deluxe accommodation, three fabulous authentic locally grown meals, unlimited self-guided hikes to preserve and use sports equipment.
Book your stay using our website's booking engine (where specials are automatically applied) or call us to assist you in visiting Nicuesa Lodge soon! [US Toll-Free: 1-866-504-8116 / All other countries: + (506) 8899-6685 / + (506) 2258-8250]
* Applicable on both Regular Rates and Special Packages.
** Applicable on new reservations to visit Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge between May 1st and September 30th, 2023.

With this promotion in place, during the first 2 months of the 2023 Green Season (May-June), the Lodge had been able to achieve an average occupancy rate equal to that achieved up until the end of June 2022 [35.93%]. The World Travel Organization’s May, 2023 Travel Barometer report was taken in consideration to reason over such lackluster result. It advised that international tourist arrivals had reached 80% of pre-pandemic levels in the first quarter of 2023. The Middle East (+115%) and Europe (+90%) had shown the strongest performance supported by robust intra-regional demand, whereas the Americas achieved +85% of 2019 levels. Notwithstanding the expectation for better performance during the May-August 2023 period, a full recovery to 2019 levels was foreseen by the WTO to happen until 2024 or later.

For PNRL this was far from motivating, and the concern was primarily focused on the remaining part of the Green Season (July through Sept), where the occupancy rate outlook was 17.7% (Q3 2022 had achieved 32.2% occupancy by that same time, see the KPI breakdown below). For PNRL to achieve 40% occupancy by the end of the Green Season (90 days ahead), it would need to book around 36 additional room nights -which was then set as a goal.


To support the achievement of said initial booking volume goal, PNRL had already taken action and updated its Green Season promotional canon by including a Limited Time Offer (LTO) component into its Green Season strategy. by means of an LTO Widget integrated into their website. The LTO Widget would allow PNRL to leverage the sense of scarcity and urgency inherent in LTO strategies, deploying short-term promotions with a validity of 15 to 30 days for potential guests to enjoy on their booking. Two types of offers were initially defined to be used on the LTO Widget:

  1. Strong Offer” applicable when a Very Low Occupancy Rate Period [0 to 10%] was on the upcoming 15-day room inventory outlook (orange shade periods on chart below),
  2. Soft Offer” focused on value adds, applicable when a Low Occupancy Rate Period [20-30%] was on the upcoming 15-day room inventory outlook (yellow shade periods on chart below).
Although in theory this would allow PNRL to dynamically support the achievement of the defined goal of increasing sales during the rest of the Green Season, there were two critical problems in this initial promotional plan:
  1. No Leverage of Differentiated Value Perceptions of Room Options: Guests have diverse perceptions over the different room options offered in a hotel, and this was clear in the variations on Occupancy Rate found when analyzing Occupancy Rates by Room Option at PNRL. For the remaining part of the Green Season, the Limited Time Offers (LTO’s) needed to emphasize efforts on booking the higher priced Room Options which were actually the Room units presenting critically low occupancy rates (highlighted in red on the table below: Jaguar House, Delphin 2BR Cabin, Cocodrilo Cabin Suite and the Perezoso 1BR Cabin).
  2. No Leverage of Differentiated Guest Persona Profiles: Focusing the LTO promotions solely on filling up the short-term occupancy gaps ahead without considering the target Guest Personas who would be expected to react to those LTO offers spelled immediate failure for the effort. Stating the promotional plan in such a product-centric format rather than in a customer-centric manner would require PNRL to -elusively, try and obtain bookings solely out of travelers who had the capacity to react to short-notice booking offers. This would short-sight PNRL from attending additional guest persona profiles who had a historical record of effectively having visited the lodge during the low-season, under even more flexible and longer booking-window conditions.

Nicuesa Lodge needed to optimize their promotional design to overcome these challenges and effectively attract more guests for the low season. 


II. Optimizing Promotional Design with Data Science and Generative AI Tools

To optimize the promotional design for PNRLs Green Season, Data Science and Generative AI tools such as Visplore and ChatGPT, were used. These tools allowed to accurately apply statistical analysis to historical sales data and generate personalized offers & promotional assets that would effectively resonate with the target audiences defined.

II.A. Leveraging Historical Data Analysis for Effective Promotions

By leveraging a statistical multivariate correlation analysis, patterns and trends were identified in booking configurations & customer preferences out of PNRLs historical roster of booking data which spanned all the way back to 2006. This enabled the reconceptualization of the promotions in a way that they would be effectively aligned with the guest persona profiles that had a higher propensity to make a booking to visit PNRL during the Green Season.

Visplore, a powerful data analysis tool, was used in this process, facilitating data-driven decisions for us in minutes (the quick data setup process of this tool makes it a MUST HAVE for any business). For example, by analyzing the statistical correlation between all the available attributes on PNRL´s historical direct Booking Engine database, we identified and learnt that:

  1. Considering an average historical Booking Window for all bookings of 85 days:

    • There was a statistically significant direct correlation between the Booking Window and the Travel Season: 
      o GREEN SEASON: 75 days
      o HIGH SEASON: 88 days
      o HOLIDAY SEASON: 140 days
    • This of course, translated to a direct correlation between the Travel Season and Average Revenue per Booking ($2,545 overall):
      o    GREEN SEASON: $2,139
      o    HIGH SEASON: $2,768
      o    HOLIDAY SEASON: $4,260


  2. On the other hand, a deeper analysis of bookings historically received by PNRL within the booking window of Up To 90 Days (our marketing action time window left to achieve our goal) during the Green Season, revealed that:Picture9
    • With booking windows beyond the 30-day threshold, the larger the window, the more nights booked and thus, more revenue was generated:
    • Regarding the Number of Adults in the booking group, the Green Season resulted comprised of Couples and to a lesser degree Single Adults. 
    • Therefore, solely relying on promotions that were aimed to increase the Number of Nights per Booking would only favor occupancy for the Types of Rooms already preferred by Single and Couple bookings, but not really affect the occupation rates for the Jaguar House and the Two Bedroom Cabin which were favored by Families and Groups:
    • Additionally, clarity was generated over the precise structure of Family bookings within the 90-day booking range (comprised of 2 Adults and 1 Child), and of Groups of Adults bookings (which were mostly comprised of 4 Adults - most likely 2 Couples or a Couple with 2 Young-Adult Children): 
                            Picture13    Picture14


II.B. Aligning Promotional Offers with Specific Target Audiences

By garnering the necessary historical booking insights during the Data Analysis phase of the project (see previous section) we were able then to apply adjustments over PNRL's promotional strategy. Solid historical sales data-backed insights enabled the definition of promotional adjustments which would effectively resonate with the different target audiences defined and highlight PNRL's competitive advantages; all effectively aligned with the booking and occupation rate goals defined.

The promotional adjustments made were the following:

  1. The deadline of LTO offers was extended until the End of Green Season; allowing PNRL to target more profitable bookings which occurred with booking windows longer than 15 days (particularly among Families and Groups of Adults).

  2. Value-Add Perks were created in alignment with target Persona Profiles which matched the target occupation rate goals. These perks emphasized key competitive values of the lodge and were leveraged to engage potential guests based on their generational profile (matched with the target persona profile as shown in table below, download Excel workbook). These perks had a complementary role though, provided these perk offerings would not be perceived as valuable enough to alter a potential guests' decision to make a booking at PNRL. Based on Generative AI-powered travel trend data obtained through NextAtlas, the perks defined had the following alignment:
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 191827

  3. To impact on the current occupation rate trend, a more aggressive and targeted approach was defined, to be applied during the 30 to 90 day booking window that was on course [Until Sept 30th]:  


      Alter the wording of the current offer (Book 3+ Nights, 1 Additional Night Free) so that it would suggest the booking range first and then make the discount offer: Stay 4 Nights, Pay 3 … 1 Night Free on when Booking 4 or more. All details count to make your marketing efforts play along effectively with what a client trully has in their mind when planning a vacation (or purchase).

      A detailed benchmark analysis was performed using ChatGPT allowing PNRL to assess the competitiveness of the current offer (shown in table below, download Excel workbook). Of most relevance to this case, we found that only one hotel at the time was explicitly offering a Non-Refundable Rate option as a way transfer the risk burden of potentially cancelling their booking (a 10% Discount was offered in exchange). Much to our own surprise, PNRL was ALSO offering this option, but it was buried as a canon in the regular Booking Policy and not being capitalized as a potential benefit we could transfer to the client. We therefore defined to offer the Non-Refundable Rate Option as a general perk for those clients sensitive to discount offers and willing to assume the risk.  
      Competitive benchmark analysis

      Create a promotion that would take into consideration the actual historical booking nightly ranges the hotels' operation had had, to make the most profit during the target booking period. In this case we took the highest range of Nights historically proven to be booked for the 30 to 90 booking window: 7 Nights and processed a promotional feasibility assessment (shown below, download Excel workbook) to come down to the break-even point of offering 2 nights free. This way PNRL confirmed that based on a probable market behavior scenario, it would effectively obtain a profit margin on the promotional configuration.PNRLpromo-Picture1PNRLpromo-Picture2

    • GOAL II: INCREASE THE NUMBER OF GROUP AND FAMILY BOOKINGS, explicitly tied to the Jaguar House and Two Bedroom Cabin options which had critically low projected occupancy rates. These set of promotions were tied to the restricted window of having to visit the lodge before September 31st and having to book their stay in either the Jaguar House and Two Bedroom Cabin options. The specific set of promotions below were marketed under the title of HUMPBACK WHALE SPECIALS, making reference to the booking group size and capitilizing over the humpback whale mating season which happens right in front of the lodges private sea cove on a yearly basis from July till September.

      PNRL's promotional canon to date catering to Group Bookings offered:1 Leader Free on Groups of 8 to 15, and 2 Leaders Free on Groups of 16 to 28 which upon detailed analysis of the historical record of Group Bookings at the lodge proved the specs to be out of effective range (see table below, download Excel workbook). During the Green Season, Adult Groups visiting the lodge did not book in configurations beyond 4 Adults. We therefore defined to take the highest range of Adults proven to have booked during the 30 to 90 booking window: 4 Adults and offered a Free Stay to one of them. A promotional feasibility assessment (shown in the second table below) was made to come down to the break-even point and this way PNRL confirmed that based on a probable Group Booking behavior scenario, it would effectively obtain a profit margin on the defined promotional configuration.

      The detailed analysis of the historical record of Family Bookings (see table below) elucidated two distinct booking configurations under this segment which called for distinct promotional approaches to able to effectively resonate with each one:
           1. Two Adults and at least 1 Child
           2. Three Adults and at least 1 Child

      The corresponding promotional feasibility assessment was made then in each case (see table below, download Excel workbook) to come down to a break-even point that would ensure the creation of corresponding promotions for each subsegment with proper profit margins:PROMO2-PIC3

      - SCENARIO A:
       Offer a Free Child Stay on groups of 2 Adults and at least 1 Child. 
      - SCENARIO B: Target the 3 Adult, N Children market with a variation on a novel promotion found referenced in our market assessment process done with NextAtlas: British hospitality company IHG Hotels had offered a free stay to older relatives in family bookings, promoting familial bonding and reconnection across generations. In PNRL’s case we modulated it in the following way: 

Bring an Extra Family Member Along Free! 
On bookings of 2 adults and 1 Child or more, 1 additional Adult stays FREE during the extent of the groups booking. Applicable on bookings in the Jungle House or 2-BR Cabin.


II.C. Utilizing Generative AI to Update & Optimize Key Marketing Elements

ChatGPT was additionally used to assess and creatively redefine how PNRL was addressing and communicating two crucial elements within their offerings, knowing offhand that optimizing these two elements would have a positive impact on achieving the marketing goals at hand and beyond.

  1. UPDATING PNRL's COMPETITIVE STRENGTHS USING CUSTOMER REVIEWS: No one is better there to tell you what your business is good at than your own customers, and PNRL has had a Thank You email program running for over 15 years making sure it requests its guests in a timely manner for a review about their stay (an outline of this process and corresponding email template is found on my DEMOS section). This program has garnered PNRL a Hall Of Fame status in TripAdvisor for continuedly receiving the "Traveler's Choice" award in the past 8 years. It was then a good moment to make use of the prowess of Generative AI to analyze and summarize the lodges' top strengths based on reviews obtained from 2019 to 2023 (post-COVID sensibilities were given priority). The process is simple:
    A. Copy/paste all your business reviews on a text document.
    B. Format the document and each review using standardized markdown (here's a helpful Markdown Cheatsheet) to make it easy for the AIChatbot of your choice to understand the information you are providing it. #Hashtag each review with key information that will be useful for you to later Q&A the AIChatbot about your reviews: #Review Source (TripAdvisor, GoogleMaps, Facebook), #Date, #Guest Origin, #Guest Group Configuration, #Overal Star Rating, among any other data point you would like to include in your assessment.
    C. Choose any of the multiple AIChatbot options out there in the market to analyze and summarize your document. Back in May, 2023 the best AIChatbot available by far was ChatGPT4.0 PRO, but nowadays you would be well advised to repeat the process using Bard Gemini, and Claude to be able to compare the results and choose the best generative output for your marketing efforts.
    D. Upload your formatted document with the reviews, and provide the AIChatbot with a detailed context summary about who your business is, what is included in the uploaded document and what you wish it to do with this information. AIChatbots are extremely intelligent, but just like in the case of a newly hired assistant, you need to explain to it in detail what you will be asking of them so they can trully understand and meet your needs and expectations.

    By simply asking ChatGPT to assess and summarize the key strengths valued by PNRL's past guests based on the reviews provided, it generated the following output which was then used as a baseline for creative development of marketing assets used on the revised promotional landing page, the corresponding tactical deployments (such as email, PPC, social media and blog posts), and across the website to update the key strengths being communicated to visitors at large:
    a. Unique Location: Located on the north-side of the Golfo Dulce, the lodge is nestled in a 165-acre rainforest preserve fronted by a private beach cove, it’s accessible only by boat.
    b. Unique Experience of Nature: The lodge is connected to the Piedras Blancas National Park on the back and the Golfo Dulce in front, both part of the Osa Conservation Area (one of the most biologically intense places on Earth), ensures you will enjoy a truly immersive experience of Costa Rica's incredible natural beauty, all while trekking our network of trails, kayaking the mangrove forest nearby, hiking up to the waterfall, scuba diving in the cove, or enjoying the sunset on top of an SUP-board.
    c. Thrilling Wildlife Encounters: You will come up close to the abundant wildlife around the lodge, including dolphins, sea-turtles, white-faced capuchin monkeys, howler monkeys and a wide variety of birds.  
    d. Connection with Self: Our beachfront yoga deck, the private network of natural trails is the backdrop too of a wellness haven: Yoga, Trekking, a private cove.
    e. Our Staff and Sustainability: Our knowledgeable staff will gladly provide guidance to your understanding and enjoyment of the wide variety of new biodiversity you will encounter, as well as share with you their learnings from bringing to life Nicuesa's commitment to sustainability and nature conservation.
    f. Fresh, Local Dining: Our deliciously healthy meals celebrate the purity of the land and the bounty of the seasons. Our chef uses both ingredients sourced on the preserve, as well as from local fishermen to prepare delicious local recipes, offering flexibility to accommodate your own preferences.
    g. Beautiful and Comfortable Accommodations: Our jungle-chic rooms and the lodge itself offer a rustic and authentic feel that will enhance your experience of the rainforest.

    Despite its association with mass tourism and lower quality experiences, PNRL needed to emphasize the convenience, ease, and value of having everything included in a booking, while also highlighting the unique, high-quality experiences that set Nicuesa Lodge apart from typical "all-inclusive" resorts. The main issue at hand was that the concept itself is very much appealing to many travelers who appreciate the convenience and predictability of knowing that everything is taken care of. NextAtlas even highlighted it as “Booming” travel trend.

    We therefore explained the situation at hand to ChatGPT (again, much like you would explain the problem to very bright but context-agnostic marketing assistant), and requested it to generate a few alternative wording options for PNRL to be able to communicate the "All Inclusive" concept without using the term "All Inclusive", and provide for each case a rationale for its use:
    a. "Everything Covered" Experience: This phrase suggests that all costs have been considered and the guest won't have to worry about additional expenses.
    b. "Comprehensive Luxury" Package: This term emphasizes the high-end nature of the experience, while also suggesting that everything is included.
    c. "Full Experience" Package: This term suggests that guests will have access to all the experiences and amenities the lodge has to offer.
    d. "Hassle-Free Holiday": This term emphasizes the convenience and ease of having everything pre-arranged and included in the price. [Chosen variation with adjustment to read: Hassle-Free Vacations... Always!]
    e. "Complete Retreat": This term suggests a fully immersive experience where everything is taken care of.
    f. "Total Package": This term suggests that everything is included, but without the connotations of mass-market "all-inclusive" resorts.
    g. "All-Encompassing Escape": This term emphasizes the comprehensive nature of the package, and the idea of getting away from it all.

These two exercises come to show a couple of simple use cases by which any hospitality business (or ANY business for that matter) is able to immediately use Generative AI as a way to update and express more value to its potential guests both on their online channels, as well as offline and across their different advertising venues of choice.

At the end, the optimized landing page content for PNRL's Green Season is shown below considering its two defined Limited Time Offer phases:

  1. July - September 2023: Humpback Whale Specials + Extra Green Perks
    • Restructured preestablished promotional canon [Until end of Green Season, Dec 15th]:
      • Book 3 Nights, Pay 50% Off on the 3rd Night
      • Book 4 to 6 Nights, Get 1 Night Free

    • Value-added optimized promotions applicable to all target audiences[Until end of Green Season, Dec 15th]:
      • Book 7 Nights, Get 2 Nights Free
      • Complimentary Green Perk

    • Optimized promotions targetting Families & Groups, defined to achieve the goal of increasing the occupation rates on those rooms which had a critically-low occupation rate [View data-backed rationale, Until Sept 30th]:
      • On Bookings for 4 Guests or More, 1 Stays Free 
      • Bring an Extra Family Member Along Free
      • Golfo Dulce Dolphin & Whale Watching Tour Free
  2. October - December 2023: Upgraded Green Season Specials + Extra Green Perks
    • Restructured preestablished promotional canon [same as previously noted, until Dec 15th].
    • Value-added optimized promotions applicable to all target audiences [same as previously noted, until Dec 15th].






III. Implementing A Multi-Channel Advertising Strategy & Measuring Success

In the dynamic world of hospitality marketing, controlling the effectiveness of marketing expenses is a crucial challenge. Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge (PNRL) faced a frequent situation for any hotel where a significant portion of business generated by online marketing efforts actually concluded through offline channels. The assessment of booking data from June 2021 to May 2023 revealed that around 55% of PNRL's booking revenue came through direct online sources (booking engine & OTAs), while the remaining 45% was driven by direct calls and other offline interactions such a booking enquiries received thru the Contact Us form on the website. This intricate balance highlighted the need for a robust multi-channel advertising strategy, which would support the achievement of the booking goals and at the same time take into consideration the data flow processes we had at hand (as documented in the Data Architecture defined in the initial stage of the project). The multi-channel approach taken was focused on making the most of customer and operative data at hand (to be able to optimize and customize the advertising campaigns created in each channel being used), as well as emphasized the need to track ROI across the full conversion funnel considering both online and offline touchpoints involved; as detailed below.

  1. Email Campaigns
    The newly optimized promotion was sent to the Email subscriber database, distintively targetting two segments:
  2. Paid Traffic and Google Ads
    Our Google Ads Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaign, coupled with a Remarketing Campaign using Google Ads Performance Max, played a pivotal role in boosting the Active Limited Time Offer (LTO) Promotion. Despite initial budget constraints set in place in the past years due to the COVID pandemic, PNRL agreed on ramping up their PPC investment to an average of $450 monthly, achieving impressive results in terms of traffic and direct booking ROI in the range of 1,309% to 1,848%.

  3. Entity-Based SEO
    Concurrently, new generation SEO platforms such as InLinks were used to address the organic promotion of the optimized Green Season promotion in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the evolving dynamics of the digital marketing landscape, especially in light of emerging AI-based technologies being deployed on Google and Bing SERPs. For example, the assessment of PNRL's current Semantic Graph (shown below) allowed for the strategic definition of a new content structure related to the optimized Green Season promotion which would allow search engines to better associate our offering with targetted topic clusters and thus impact the overall visibility of PNRLs website and newly defined promotion by covering a broader range of related topics (entities) and providing a more relevant content experience for the user... which is rewarded by Google and Bing with better rankings for your site. 

  4. Customer Data and Enhanced Conversions
    The use of Google Ads Customer Match and Enhanced Conversions in GA4 allowed us to target ads more effectively, enable Google to do its AI-based automated bidding model magic and include offline conversions tracking into the mix for a just assessment of how PNRLs marketing investment was contributing to revenue generation. This approach was crucial in understanding the full impact of our paid search advertising investment on conversions, which as noted previously, were 1,309% and 1,848% for the months of July and August correspondingly.

  5. Data-Centric Marketing and Automation
    The success of the optimized Green Season campaign was underpinned by strategic data processing as documented in the Data Architecture defined in the initial stage of the project. We not only crunched numbers to create compelling promotions but also automated the capture, cleansing, and processing of customer data in realtime using Zapier. This automation extended to integrating data into third-party tools like Google Merchant Center, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and MailChimp for more effective campaign and customer data management. Intial steps were taken to integrate Twilio Segment as PNRL's Customer Data Platform, but the effort was beyond the contracted scope. 

In conclusion, the promotional optimization journey taken with PNRL as described in this article has been a testament to the power of data-driven marketing strategies... the proof is in the quick results obtained! Moreover, the success achieved goes beyond numbers; it's about the methodological execution of a thorough process which should allow you to better understand your current customer base and be able to effectively allign your value offerings to what customers are really looking for.

If you are looking to replicate this success in your business, feel free to reach out. Let's explore together how your marketing strategies can be transformed to drive remarkable results for your business.


Max E. Sequeira Garza
Experienced in successfully implementing data-driven strategies to generate multichannel growth, and deploy effective marketing programs on B2C / B2B contexts.